TiP Interview with Eyal Weizman

Thinking in Practice "TiP" is an online magazine produced by Balmond Studio. The published essays and interviews come under 9 categories: Complexity, Nature, Philosophy, Science, Mathematics, Future, Arts, Organisation and Architecture. Previous interviewees included Alain de Botton, Hans Ulrich Orbirst, Charles Jencks, Toyo Ito and many more. This month, TiP team interviewed Eyal Weizman about the work of Forensic Architecture and how his journey into investigation began.  

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"It started as a strange experiment. Here we were, a few architects, artists, theorists, philosophers, lawyers and scientists. We were writing about the history of architecture, trying to see how architecture is presented as evidence. And we started thinking: what does it mean when the introduction of architectural language is applied to legal language – that is court and other political forms? We wanted to see how a very particular design intelligence or architectural intelligence can come to bear on issues that other forms of investigation cannot penetrate." 

For full interview, click here.