Drawing on Holl by Steven Holl, AA members talk

Distanced in time and space by a little over one hundred years and the width of a street, the creative architectural practices of Steven Holl Architects and Charles Rennie Mackintosh engage on the slope of Garnethill. The original Glasgow School of Art building evidently has a new neighbour, the ‘Reid’ Building.

The Architectural Association School of Architecture, hosted an exhibition that chronologically charts the design development of the ‘Reid’ Building and depicts the driven voids of light, the circuit of connection, the circulation which encourages the notion of “creative abrasion” and the reversed construction method of thick skin/thin bones as in Mackintosh against thin skin/thick bone of the ‘Reid’ Building.

AA members including me were advantaged to be invited to a gallery talk given by Senior Partner at Steven Holl Architects, Chris McVoy.