Reclaiming for Sustainability 

Student at: Birzeit University
Description: Graduation Project
Category: Planning/ Urban Design
Area: 160000km2
Location: Rafat, Ramallah
Year: 2013

Palestine Technopark is a hub where business, educational and communal mind provoking experiences are manifested in a sustainable interactive and enjoyable environment that stimulates innovation. It stands to fulfill the need for a motivating environment that can contribute to the Palestinian economy on the long run, through collaboration between education and business on onehand, and the new emerging needs of the changing life style the Palestinian community is witnessing on the other hand. These two main components played a huge role in developing the concepts for creating a Technopark in Palestine.

Statistics show that strong human resources do exist in Palestine, yet having the required resources without the community’s need for such an environment, wouldn’t have been enough to justify its creation; however since the need and resources met, the idea has high potential for success.

The vision for a Technopark in Palestine will simulate the general concept of Technoparks as defined by the international association of science parks, in a customized way that will meet the local needs. ‘BUSINESS’, ‘COMMUNITY’ and ‘EDUCATION’ will form three major components in the creation of our Technopark, each adapted to the Palestinian settings on different levels.

Business: Companies were targeted through Modular Office Buildings’ Design with flexible Interiors and smart technology facades.

Community: The Community was targeted through 3 main buildings, first is the podium, second is a the Kassara park, and third is an interactive shopping mall.

Education: Education was given hierarchy in the project since it is the main linkage between Business and Community that can lead to a knowledge based community, thus a research centre was considered in the project targeting students so as to encourage them to do further investigations and explorations in their field of studies.

The Mixer: The mixer is the building where Business, Community and Education meet in a mind provoking environment that stimulates the mind.