Risograph Printing

Workshop Title: Risograph Printing
Organized by: Joao Prates Ruivo and Simon Barber
Publication by: Hania Halabi, Sam Stork, Pietro Pezzani, Stine Jacobsen, Grace Philips, Ion Maleas, Laurie Robins, Mirna Pedalo
Graphic Design: Laurie Robins
Date: March 13th, 2015
Held at: Common House
Location: London, UK

This magazine is based around the history and present of New Cross area, from the building of slave ships in Deptford to the slavers memorialised as statuses on the front of Deptford town hall; the new cross fire and the pitched battles between fascists and anti-fascists on New Cross Road; Malcolm Mclaren being introduced to the thought of the situationist at the bus stop by Goldsmiths a formative moment for Punk, or Courtney Love playing at the Venue with Kurt Cobain in the audience; the legendary parties integral to the emergence of London's rave scene in the squats above what is now New Cross House or the fact Lewisham houses the largest police station in Europe.  

It was produced during a workshop organized by PHD students of the centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths University of London, and attended by MA students, who collectively worked on the content and printed it using the risograph printer at Common House.